Why am I getting intermittent frame rate stutters?

I’m not quite sure if it moves or not, i will have to check that again. I think it still moves but it gives the reflection of the gp track instead of the nordschleife. Mind you this happens only in cockpit-view when the hood is visible from inside the car, if i go to hood-view it returns back to normal.

And yeah i agree it looks really good when normal and distracts me also from time to time. :slight_smile:

Edit: i just checked and it is as i thought, the reflection moves but just seems to rotate on the same spot of the gp track. I shared a new replay ingame where you can see this very well. The lighting issues are also very obvious in this replay. Go inside the car to see the reflection and lighting problems and also go to the hoodview to see the flickering i was talking about.

To find this replay just go to Forza tv in the main game menu and search for: Reinart86, Ford 1940 De Luxe Coupe, nurburgring nordschleife

Its just the environment map they are using for reflections is a standard map. Its the same in other games. Cities skylines for example doesnt reflect your city in the windows. It reflects A city environment map, just not the one you are building. Its cheap, its easy.

Real time reflections can be quite the performance drain.


Real time reflections can be quite the performance drain.


Yes i can understand that but if they use this method of reflection for cockpitview, should’nt they at least use the environment you’re actually racing on? :slight_smile: