Team Blackjack

Hey there drifting community. This is Evolution from Team Blackjack. Some of you probably know of who we were/are. Its been a long time since I have paid a visit to these forums, but I figured I would swing on by and see who is interested in doing a little drifting in Horizon 2. Just picked up the game earlier this week and am looking to do some tandeming. From the looks of it, it seems as though these forums have taken a huge hit with traffic, but I figured I would post up anyways. Message me on Xbox live if you are interested. BLKJ Evolution.

Also, who is considered the big drift team in the community these days?

What’s up dude, most us in Omgdrift tandem daily. Yeah this community has not been the same.

DIS, XE and DMTR are still around, there isn’t really ‘The big team’ anymore to be honest and as you can tell, those that are from old Forza don’t really chill here.

Woah team blackjack :open_mouth:

My thoughts exactly

I’ll add you up… This is CL9 Copa_Squat from Cloud 9…i’ll definitely add you and we can run on horizon 2…btw add me up as well to anyone who wants to set up a lobby on horizon 2