Prize Crates 10/26 - 11/08 - What can I win?

Do you mean the black knight or the shiny silver knight?

I won the mummy gear on my first try. I assumed that everyone was supposed to get it their first try because it was so easy.

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3rd try here mummy gear

the third crate often give me when i open 2 of the same gear … so not a big deal…

I’m just gonna pretend this stuff doesn’t exist. It’s already hard enough to get money to buy cars directly, even with the 400k discount rewards. Driver gear isn’t even visible most of the time anyway.


So there are actually people who see some value in the driver gear and actually want the different suits? I am surprised by this. I didn’t see anyone outside T10 caring about driver gear in any way. So now I am curious…why? For people who actually want all the driver gear…what do you get out of it? I’m not being trying to be a jerk. I genuinely am curious.

There has been other stuff in the game I have had no interest in but I can figure out why others like it (example the GMC van - great canvas for painters). But I am lost on the value of the driver gear and even more so the badges.


drivers cup 100% already finished , all the car that i dont care reselled to the game , no forzathon, no rivals of my tastes… no auction house… specialty dealer have nothing in my interest this week…so i can spend some cr on those gears…


Theres absolutely no value and sense in driver gear. Though i understand collectors, but hey…this is an racing game. Actually i wouldn’t care if i see someone in a rare suit, this is not Guild Wars 2.

I say: instead of wasting men power in this, they should take care of good DLC’s (although i guess that the DLC’s are already finished for six month), or better, do some good updates with tracks!

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It is the same as badges… They are capitalizing on OCD… I WILL NEVER EVER USE A SINGLE BADGE EXCEPT THE ONES ON THE FIRST PAGE THAT SHOW TIER LEVEL… Sry caps.

I still want them all… Speaking of which the badges are by far the laziest part of this whole game… They are all the same badge with different background colors really?!?

They literally could have just taken the badges for fm3 and it would have been vastly superior and they would have been earned through challenges instead of stupid card packs.

I can’t remember which FM it was, but there was one where you had to drive/race a certain amount of miles with each manufacturer to earn affinity with them and get discounts on parts and future purchases. Now if they did THAT in FM7, and awarded a badge and some driver gear along with reaching max affinity for each manufacturer, that would be a lot more fun, and you’d get something out of it (discounts etc) and everyone could have their favourite manufacturer badge and driver gear and get it through hard work instead of chance…

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If you make something collectable, gamers will comply and collect.

Also, many have complained before that there really is nothing to spend credits on once you pass a certain point in the game. Now they have something to spend credits on.

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OK. I also saw the “Driver Gear - character customization feature” thread that got bumped up to the top of the board. So it seems many are quite excited about driver gear for various reasons. It still does absolutely nothing for me but if others like it, great, have some fun with it. After all, I certainly don’t expect any developer to model their game solely around what I want in or out of the game.

Are you guaranteed the Mummy outfit first time from buying that specific crate? Not interested in the Mummy one, but there may be one in future that take my fancy.

Fifteen million for all of them is ridiculous. It’s a flipping driver suit that, had T10 not thrust into view at all possible times, wouldn’t be seen much apart from the helmet.

I don’t know how people are managing to afford fifteen million for these. I’ve struggled to get all of the cars from the Specialty Dealer these past 2 weeks. I’ve taken to skipping the cars from level-ups and choosing the credit reward instead just to get enough with these 1 million+ cars.

VIP needs fixed ASAP.


Nope you’re not guaranteed the Mummy one first time. I bought one last night. Got a badge I already had (so nothing), a driver gear I already had (so 20k), a couple of OK mods (not spectacular), and a car I already owned (sold for 80k). Not a bad return on a 300k+ investment… I do know that using the mods on a couple of 50 lap races around the Indy Oval will make the money back again though.

I didn’t think people would be this obsessed over driver outfits. I literally only bought one crate and got the knight driver suit and now I’m good for 2 years.

like they say different strokes for different folks.


All I’ve wanted from this trash crate is the skeleton suit, but after opening somewhere between 60 & 70 of these things I’ve only gotten TWO (2) Legendaries… ‘Super Lucky’ indeed.
Could’ve had the Platimun Collector achievement by now, but for all my time & credits spent all I have is a sore butt from being fondled by yet another Turn10 lie, microsoft would be so proud of them, if only they were making real money from it. Maybe in FM8 they’ll learn to put cars behind an in-game pay-wall, then the transformation will be complete.
So stupid. Me for falling for it, & them for even having this RNG bs in the game to begin with.


Does anyone know if driver gear and award badges will be able to be sold in the Auction House whenever it decides to show up? Or maybe somehow trade-able?

Driver gear really doesn’t do anything for me, and once I finally get the Audi or Porsche suit, I will probably rarely ever change mine. I have some that people will want, so I hope I can get them into the hands of the people that want them. Otherwise, to me at least, it feels like a waste. I rarely open any crates other than mods only crates.


I didn’t even think I would care about these suits. But, now I find myself trying to collect certain track and manafacturer suots. It would be cool if we can sell them in the auction house.

I got the porshe suit yesterday. I had to pass up a free car to choose it.

I was just looking for the exact same thing. It would make sense for driver gear and boost cards to be sold in the auction house. I would personally rather spend a 10Mil credits on the 1 suit I want than 1Mil in random loot boxes and happen to get lucky. I am only buying these boxes until I have enough to unlock the achievements.

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Just wondering, if this rubbish is purchaseable in the auction house, will it be available to you if you don’t already own it, like DLC in Horizon 3? If this is the case then locked cars will be treated the same way.