Mercedes-Benz C 63 S FE (Forzathon)- not received

I completed the Forzathon challenge to unlock the Mercedes-Benz C 63 S FE and still haven’t received it yet. I played this on my Xbox One. This could have possibly been bugged for me for some reason.

Look under mercedes benz…not AMG

I just checked i never got it either
But it is under mercedes benz not AMG

Nope he was looking in the right place

Yep i just went back and checked
The reward was actually the 2016 model …not 2012

Didn’t happen to sell it in the auction house by mistake

The car in one of your first 2 picture’s is never been reward as it say Fast and Furious. That cars will never be Forzathon Rewards. Further I can’t remember that any FE car has been Reward yet, but I can be wrong. I have the FE edition but not remember how I got it.

It was a forzathon reward, and the second FE car that has been rewarded, following the 1969 Ford Mustang Boss 302 Forza Edition

And the picture is meant to show that the C63 is not in his garage