Language localization

I would like to as the devs to let us change the in-game language to English if we are not from a native English speaking country, because I actually hate my own language and would prefer to play the game in English. Please make an update that “kills” the localization. Thanks in advance

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I have my windows in english, because I like it that way. But I want to play the game in german. Why is there no way to change it?

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I would like to have an option to switch localization language of FH4. I understand the need for localization to reach player not versed in English, however I prefer have the FH in English myself.

Now it seems FH4 does not respect language settings of my Xbox. I have setup region to Czech Republic, which is where I live, and UI language to English US (for the whole Xbox). However FH4 seems to select its UI language based on region, not on language settings.

I suggest to either:

  1. FH4 lets me choose the display language from settings menu, or
  2. FH4 select the display language based on Xbox’s display language, not region (I suppose this is how it is intended to work in general anyway)

Workaround of changing my console’s region is not feasible, as it will not be able to buy stuff on Xbox Store.


In the new update, we found SOME of the manufacture names have been translated to Chinese and all are listed in the end, it’s good trend for localization, but result is not good at all due to the sort order. It’s NOT in generally used Chinese PinYin (A-Z), we cannot find a manufacture easily like before from all updated places (Auto Show, Garage, Auction House). Some friend told me it’s likely in Unicode order (are you kidding me?). Many friends of mine have to change to game language to English to restore to the old list (is this the point of translation?). What’s worse, we have to remember what’s translated and what’s not. I may have to go through the whole list to find a car, back and forth in the Chinese manufacture names.

To be honest, most of chinese gamers know these car manufacture names well in English. I’m not sure whether we made this change due to users’ feedback. But it’s really a “画蛇添足” change (Paint a snake with feet added to it).

Would you restore the old list we have? (Or, add one option to let users choose whether to use the translated names).


[Mod Edit - thread merged - MM]

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Totally agree, please bring it back!!

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Been planning to get an Xbox for Forza Horizon, finally got to it.

I live in Hungary, work at a large international company and almost none of my friends speak Hungarian, not even my wife.

I set up the Xbox, everything in English of course, but my location is Hungary for obvious reasons. Nevertheless, I’m going to explain because it seems Playground Games completely misunderstood this whole thing (and I mean: catastrophically).

If you are not in your region, every basic functionality (Marketplace, your credit card) is eliminated. And we are not even talking about the potential fraud charges from banks if you manage to buy something out of your region. Nowadays this doesn’t seem to be a big problem, but it’s quite obvious that you should definitely NOT fake your region.

Yet, it would be the only way to play FH4 in English. It’s basically a must, since nor my friends, nor my family understands the game at this point. It’s as unplayable as it can be.

So why, PG, why did you choose to rely on an identification system which is flawed from the beginning? I would describe it completely illogical. Region does not equal your native/spoken language. FM7 has an override, why doesn’t FH4?

This is such basic functionality, I have never seen a game doing something this stupid and destructive. This should be basic functionality.

Now I’m just sitting around people who were incredibly excited for the game and got utterly disappointed for something so trivial and so silly.

I don’t even know what to think.

Probably because it uses Microsoft fonts.

Chinese use font > Microsoft Yahei
Japanese use font > Meiryo

I suspect the developers refused to use the Noto Sans font.