Xbox player needing help with vinyl likes,uses and dowloads

Hi everybody below the are share code vinyl’s which i have made and my goal is to get as many likes, uses and downloads as possible so can anyone who sees this post help me please I would truly appreciate it thank you.

134 248 800 989 123 117
324 127 055 584 627 866
151 150 464 154 965 807
930 175 295 160 224 887
457 530 267 989 123 117
324 127 055 151 150 464
160 224 887 988 861 358
798 488 589 135 125 386
971 353 862 174 905 028
773 030 064 123 261 553
813 651 666 146 334 337
157 967 560 134 248 800
989 123 117 324 127 055
584 627 866 151 150 464
154 965 807 930 175 295
160 224 887 832 455 415
840 587 194 771 872 197
967 508 622 151 239 309