Why does PG hate giving us smashable objectives?

Second series in a row with no smashable objectives, making it at least 9 weeks straight where we can make no progress towards the gotta smash em all achievement. If PG is going to gatekeep this stuff behind weekly series, could they maybe occasionally put one in?


Although I’ve got this achievement I can see how frustrating it would be for anyone starting the game a few months after it launched rather than from day 1 like I did.

They certainly need to include some as only 0.63% of players have completed the challenge.

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Hmm I wonder why. Player opens up menu, goes to event lab, selects smash x smashables under trending today. Selects car, enters event, drives in straight line, objective complete.

In other words, these smashable events have been so bad to date I hope I never see another one again.

I agree they’re trivially easy and largely dumb but PG tied an achievement to it so they need to figure something out. And just pretending they don’t exist ain’t it.

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They should add an achievement to do no achievements and see what happens lol


“Max, meet Min!”

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Anarchy ! Confusion ! …so, pretty much situation normal, carry on.

No smashable challenge this season either. Devs probably forgot about the “Gotta smash em all” achievement. I’ve been trying to complete that for like 4 months but it it just simply impossbile like this.

I just watched the Forza Monthly and it looks like the series 9 playlist will have no smashable challenges again! Why did the devs create an achievement that requires us to complete 5 of them if they are not planning on adding these achievements to the playlist? How are we supposed to unlock the Gotta Smash 'Em All achievement?

I think there have been 5 or more.
Maybe not since you started doing them?
At least I think it’s an accolade that I’ve achieved. There aren’t many left for me.

You seem to have the misconception the developers actually care? :smile::smile::smile:
Silly you!

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This is so sad

I just watched the Forza Monthly and it looks like the series 9 playlist will have no smashable challenges again! Why did the devs create an achievement that requires us to complete 5 of them if they are not planning on adding these achievements to the playlist? How are we supposed to unlock the Gotta Smash 'Em All achievement?

I have easily passed Gotta find all Bugs challenge!

I am still waiting for my Horizon 4 Mixer achievement to kick in


Complete 5 smashable seasonal challenges.

I’m at 80% so 4 of 5. How do I complete this?? This is at least the second series in a row without a smashable challenge, possibly the 3rd, but I missed the first of second week of 3 series back.

It’s irritating that I apparently have to rely on series challenges just to complete achievements. It’s available (the challenge) if a person doesn’t connect to the internet, but alas, achievements don’t register unless connected.


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I have completed all 5 smashable challenges so far since game’s release but the accolade is bugged and doesn’t complete.

That’s fantastic, but doesn’t help at all when pgg doesn’t put a smashable (collectable?) Event in the playlist for well over two months. You’d think there would be one ever single series so that people that work/have a life outside Xbox would have reasonable options to complete it.

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