Welcome to the Forza Forums!

It’s March 2022 and we have a new forums layout! Here’s an overview of the new navigation and functional features. You’ll likely see categories and tags being added over the coming days, but in the meantime please provide feedback here or in the Suggestions / Other Suggestions / Forums Suggestions subcategory.

Some brief tips:

Click your avatar image in the upper right corner of your screen to see notifications, bookmarked topics, direct messages, and preferences. For existing gamertags, you may need to log out and back in a couple times for your Xbox avatar to appear; otherwise it will display the first initial of your name.

Next to your avatar is the hamburger menu where you can jump to categories or Latest and New posts.

Click the Categories to see the main navigation. From there you can click on any subcategory to see posts within it; click on the master category and you’ll see all the topics from its subcategories listed by most recent or your preferred sort.

When viewing a category or subcategory you can create a topic. When you open the topic draft, you’ll see suggested existing topics which might be the best place to post rather than creating a new topic. Or, go ahead with your post. You’ll see formatting options as well as “optional tags” - please use these, as this is another way for users to find your post by tag rather than category!

Returning community members should see that uploading images is easier than ever - just drag and drop. And when an image is posted, you can click it to expand to full screen.

Our previous forums used pages to list topics or posts within a category. With the new navigation, you’ll see a vertical scroll on the right, which starts with the original post at the top and most recent at the bottom - just drag the bar down to jump to the latest post.

Remember to Like posts from your fellow community members. And remember to abide by the Forza Enforcement Guidelines. If you see a post that does not fit our family-friendly environment, you can Flag it for moderators to review.

We hope you enjoy your visit and plan to stay! Watch for ongoing improvements to the forums and more great Forza game experiences ahead!



Just dropping by to say hi! :wave:

:wave: Hi new forums.

I didn’t think our rewards score / tier would be carried over but it would of been cool to give us a badge on the new forum for our score.

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Just stopping by to say hello to the community :slight_smile:

Hello community :8ball:

Is there any way to get a desktop PC version of this forum, or are we stuck with this claustrophobic mobile phone version which only uses half the width of my screen?

Looks like that is the desktop version. It does look a little different on my phone. The topic categories are at the top of the page instead of the left side.

It’s badly designed then.

A post was split to a new topic: KiNgKrAzE44 list

How do I send a reaction to any posts on the new forum?

You don’t. There are a few badges that the devs haven’t enabled.


Thanks for the quick reply :+1:t2:

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Can anyone tell me how to block a user? There are a few users whose posts I’d rather not see, but I can’t for the life of me find any way to “ignore” or not see their posts in a topic?

Any help gratefully received!

Click on the users avatar, click a second time and look for the tab below message on the right. Click that and select Mute or Ignore

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Thanks, but - under the red “Message” tab, mine doesn’t have Ignore…

How odd?

I had same problem. I was keep checking and one day the Ignore tab appear. No idea why.

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Cheers dude, I’ll keep on trying and hoping (and muttering under my breath every time I see those posts…)

:grinning: :+1:

Hi all im a noobie to this game but i love it so far. Im PC and mainly play shooters but love my driving games.

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Wouldn’t it be cool if Forza added Blinkers/Indicators? Just like a small realistic feature.