Tuned Cars from the Auction house


You buy a car at Auction that has a Higher than average power rating, you go to upgrade it, get the "Setup File Locked’ screen, you then continue to upgrade and POOF! all the extra goodies you paid for disappear.

I have a Solution to SETUP FILE LOCKED issue.

When people put modded cars up at the auction site they can have an option to:

A) Sell the car LOCKED so people can use it as is but if they try to upgrade they will loose the setup And the upgraded parts.

B) Sell the car UNLOCKED so people can use it as is and if they try to upgrade they will loose the setup BUT WILL KEEP THE UPGRADED PARTS!

When a person would look at the cars at auction there could be a “Locked” or “Unlocked” next to title of the car:

Ford GT -locked- or Ford GT -unlocked-

This would be a GREAT feature to add!

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Why not just buy the basic car and then download a tune from an elite tuner like JSR Lee Campbell etc?

Is it because you are all trying to get lots of upgrade parts for free if they under price the car?

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I think the only reason to pay more for a car in the AH would be for a paint job you really liked…