Racing games make me sleepy/drowsy

I know NASCAR puts me to sleep.


Low light, droning sound of the engine, etc - It happens to a lot of people. Especially if you’re playing for an extended period of time.
More likely to happen after a long day of work, if you didn’t sleep well the night before, etc.
Like almost everything else in life; be sure you’re getting enough sleep, eating well, exercising, etc.

Could be Sopite or it could be something as simple as you’ve distracted your brain enough to not think about the daily things that cause you stress.
This is allows parts of your brain to “quiet down” which will result in relaxation and for some - drowsiness or somnolence.


Iam getting really sleepy on last months. 1 or 2 races max and I feel how my eyes are geting heavier. No problem with other racing games like FH3 etc.

Remind me not to let you drive when I’m in the car.

I don’t get properly sleepy but I find extra long or endurance races extremely relaxing. It almost feels like a zen moment when you’ve stopped thinking entirely yet set the best lap of your life.

I do get sleepy if I’m playing at night, but it’s mostly while waiting…and waiting…and waiting for the tracks to load.

I’ve woken up in the race results screen. I assume I stayed awake long enough to just finish the race, then fell asleep immediately.

I would crank up the volume sometimes but it would be better if the engine noise was snarling and threatening to tear me apart instead of droning on and the only entertaining part was the barely audible exhaust pops, tranny whine and imperceptible turbo chirps… turn that music to my ears UP Turn 10 :slight_smile:

Horizon 4 is literally the only racing game that I play that does this to me. I can jump on this first thing in the morning and it’d still make me sleepy (I’ve tested this btw).

Funny. I tried the turn off motion blur recommendation above and it worked. What’s up with motion blur in this game making me tired?

This used to happen to me and i’ll be honest I drink two cups of Coffee while I am playing . I also use gaming glasses that are Polarized this helps a lot too aside from the Coffee I hope that helps get you through some races.