NOW FIXED, DOH! - No Longer Able to Move House {Xbox One X]

I’ve been struggling with this for about a week now, as usual the map tells me to visit a house that I own to make it my home but when I go into houses now I no longer get the option to move in like I used to.

I’ve also been finding for about a month that I’m no longer able to find an online session, it just keeps searching. I have no issues accessing other online features, I just can’t seem to find a session whether it’s a random search or whether I’m trying to join somebody. I’m not sure if these are connected in some way or not but it’s incredibly annoying because if I can’t join a session then I can’t earn unique reward cars.

I’ve never had any issues with the previous games and it’s becoming increasingly annoying that every time it’s update it seems to somehow get worse in some ways for me.

Are you looking for the pop-up window which asks you if you want to move in? Because that only shows up when you first buy the house.

To move in on a later visit, you press ‘Y’ when you’re at that house to make it your home.


What the hell, has it always been that way?

I’m on my way to level 200 and it’s probably my most played game at the moment and I’ve never had issues moving before, pressing Y seems to have completely disappeared from my head some time over Christmas. That is so weird.

Thanks for the help, no idea what happened there!!