Need Hint for missing Landmark on Fortune Island

It was it for me too.
Thanks a lot

But i noticed too that all my stars from business (Original FH4 game) vanished.
I had to do the first race again to retrieve my stats


TY was my 18th too…


Thank you! this one triggered the 18th one for me.

Thanks mate, that was my last :wink:

that was my 18th! thanks!

After spending about an hour driving through the sea, I came across this post.
Thanks Found it straight away.

That one was my 18th, the Spiral Stones.


I have the lower Spiral Stones on the map. What is interesting for me is that the Druid Stones Beauty Spot does not show in the map, though I’ve been there several times. Those rocks (like I see above in your maps) do not show for me on the map.


Go it! I went thru the lower Spirals AGAIN…and it popped…18/18

Thanks for tip!


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Anyone can tell me how I can find the last one?
I have no idea where I have to search it.

Thank you guys

Great those spiral stones did it for me too.
Thanks to you guys :ok_hand:

Same here now the time can goes by til the release of the second dlc :sweat_smile:

Thank you everybody

The Spiral Stones was the last one for me as well. It is a version of Stonehenge. The druid stones do not show on my map but the beauty spot marker does. Then just went north to where the stones show on the map and that was it.

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Hello everyone, I am at 17/18 of all landmarks in FH4 fortune island, I have read a post about it and apparently “spiral stones” was one of the 17 I have found. Is there any other chance I haven’t found any place without roads? Bc my roads are at 63/63 and I still cannot find the 18th of the landmark… also if there’s someone who can make a rough map of all 18 landmarks I would be extremely grateful! Thank you!

Thank you! Spiral Stones was the one missing for me :slight_smile:

Found 17 out of 18 and cant find the last one, is it really obvious or well hidden?

Anybody wanna pitch in? Just need the last landmark.

There is one on the islands at the bottom of the map. Most likely the one you have missed.

Straight North from the Druid Stones for me. Thanks!!!


Great those spiral stones did it for me too. Thanks

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