KM/H and Horsepower... why is it STILL not there?

I’ve been wanting KM/H and HP since I started playing Forza, glad I’m not the only one.


I measure distance in bananas and/or 1997 Ford F-150s.


Actually, all the countries which adopted the SI officially use kW. HP figures are usually indicated between parentheses for the exact same reason you are asking this question (force of habit, I guess?), but then you have manufacturers like Koenigseggegeg producing a 1 MW car and thus ignoring the traditions and expressing the power output only in terms of Watts because ONE MEGAWATT SOUNDS COOLER.

Honestly, it doesn’t bother me as much as it takes me all of two seconds to run the math in my head and convert the kW power figures to HP - it’s almost second nature to me; those five years spent studying to get an industrial engineer diploma have paid off somehow. I guess it wouldn’t cost them too much effort to add the option to manually select our units… But then maybe I’m wrong, considering that this is the ninth game in the Forza series and that’s yet to be done.

In Canada we use HP and KM/H as well, so add my vote!

I have also been pained to not see this fixed or updated yet after each and every new Forza release.

C’mon guys! :slight_smile:

Hey guys, pleaseeeeeeeeeeee i need km and hp. Can u fix that?

11 years now I’ve been cursing about this. Large parts of the world use KM/H and Horsepower. And it’s probably like 5 simple lines of code to change it…

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Why when you change to Metric you get kph but its still kw? When you change to English units its hp but than its mph, sucks the lack of option to have kph and hp together

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I’m an Aussie myself and completely agree. Sure, it’s our national units, but the majority of those on the web (US, Canada, UK etc) use HP. It’d be a great feature, but I’m not going to die if I don’t have it.

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they don’t use Megawatt because it sounds cooler. They us KW and MW because it just so happens to be a more precise measure of power in fact, this change occurred for the same reason as most countries swapping from MP/H to KM/H. With time BHP and WHP will eventually become obsolete but for the time being we the people, are used to HP (whether it be HP, BHP or WHP) but we will gradually move to the wattage system in our lingo.