Im both confused and concerned

Forum activity is waning because we’re approximately 1.5 years into the game’s life cycle with DLC/expansion content already behind us, save for the series exclusives that trickle in one at a time., etc., etc. We’re at where we’re at; It’s just that simple.

And when you consider the game’s current issues with pc/crossplay funny business, leaderboard result exploitation, and every other broken hot mess in this game from A to Z, yeah, it’s not surprising to see someone questioning lvl 2999 players, right or wrong, when there’s already so much in this game that is literally on fire, all around us, all the time. Go figure. But the op and anyone else can complain (or praise) whatever they want to their hearts content - this is the appropriate place to do it. And who the heck are you to give anyone a bunch of crud for complaining when all you seem to do is complain about complaining?! Ffs.

But If the forums are dying at all, it’s not because people are justifiably complaining about a myriad of messed up game features, but rather perhaps it’s because of so many posts like the one I quoted by people that don’t actually contribute anything of any substance to any conversation, rather, they just use the forum and threads like it’s their personal toilet…defacating all over any topic in sight.


Have you ever heard about the goliath glitch? You could get rewards from 50 lap goliath race in matter of seconds. I saw a lot of people doing it in the first few months of the game release.

For PG/T10 detecting cheated level is just as complex as comparing the number of hours played and the level, when a player has 50 hours play and is level 9, I think the story is done.

Game forum is mostly a place to complain due to the very fact that most of time people land on the forum because they have an issue.

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This isn’t an issue to players. Never have I seen a high level player and thought “they’re too high of a level, let me waste my time, check their stats, then post about it on a forum”.

If it was an actual game mechanic or something else, sure, make a post. But questioning if a player is cheating because they’re a high level after a year and a half almost? Come on.


Looks to me like the long term FH4 playing syndrome, I have the same, so many things we cope with, cheating, ramming, bugs, a cheated progress becomes a secondary topic. Personally, I used to have a look when it was about ultimately disrespectful/aggressive player. Besides, I can understand new players can be annoyed that the game they just bought is cheated and looks like no one cares.

Those cheated accounts remain a shame for legit ones, just as cheated rivals or stunts scores (excluding the glitched ones which are saved on behalf of player’s will and there forever)

It should not be to any player to take care of monitoring the game and cleaning it. Besides, it looks like, for CR, it is done.


An account changing to 10 2999 is a known side effect of a cheat program. It doesn’t mean that everyone at that level has used a cheat program, but there will be very few people who have got there legitimately.

I maxed out last night, 10 stars and 2999. I was hoping for some kind of cheeky speech like the one I got when I reached my 10th star but nope. Got nothing…


Well, since you didn’t get one in the game, here goes: “Well done, DaReoCharmer. You have reached the highest level of prestige.”


Thanks buddy! It was a long frustrating road lol but I did make it :sunglasses::sunglasses:

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I just reached level 4 last night, so I still have a looooong way to go. lol

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Having got to max level quite a few months ago, Yes, it is possible. Yes, you probably should avoid players like us, the overachievers. The ones who spend far too much time developing a strategy for skill or sinking 1000+ hours into 100%ing a game. I now see why a lot of the FRC people don’t even touch the horizon series. People immediately accuse people who are really good at anything of “cheating” all the time even in the Motorsport series, more so on FH because they force you to play online with people who accuse everyone of cheating. I stay offline a majority of the time because honestly getting called a cheater because of my skill by me being too fast or my high level really isn’t worth it. It’s always amazing to see people quit out of one of the PG online events during first race or match because they see a high level person.

If your question still remains how is that possible? Back in October of 2018 they introduced the route creator update. And some of us like endurance races, for 30+miles. It’s so unbelievably easy to max money and xp by doing that. I ignored all the bugs and glitches, yeah even now the game is still broken and probably won’t be completely fixed just like FM7, but that’s the current state of gaming, and frankly people just need to accept that. So back to your op, I also am concerned, but not for the same reasons you are. Hopefully I, and others have cleared your confusion.


It takes a lot more than 1000 hours to get to 10 2999. I’m only prestige 5 with 1200 hours of gameplay. 10 2999 must need, what, 4x that, so ~5000 hours? So you’d have to have played the game around 10 hours a day every day since launch. Yes, some people will do that, but very few. If you say you got there months ago, you must have played more like 12 hours a day every day since launch?

You’re right. None of this adds up. I guess I must have cheated then…

-Edit, I put up my online stats as a comparison. As I’ve said I don’t play online unless achievements require me to, or the seasonal events.

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It varies how many hours I play per day, 10, 12, sometimes more. Comparing my play-style to yours probably isn’t the best idea. I was utilizing cars that had the event influence boost, on endurance style races. Did you know that there are a few cars that had a 50% event influence bonus or there about? So, something like 3,750,000 event influence really isn’t that hard to achieve in a race. So take that and multiply it by 80 or there abouts, and there is 300 million for influence. So about 80 endurance style races in let say 50 days of play time. No it’s not impossible.

I still do, just for the new cars. I am spending more time tuning and driving a lot of the old ones, practice races, etc.

Not sure if your specifically referencing me or not. But, glad I have your vote of confidence lol. Not like it even mattered.
Looking at your profile, I had a three month head start on you anyway. I had the game pre-ordered so by the time you had first played FH4 it looks like the route creator update was already out by that point. Before that I was doing 50 laps of Goliath, at 8 hours for 50 laps.

Edit- Going back on your profile, actually looking at your statistics for all the Forza series, having a head start on you seems to be a common trend. FM5 I have played four consecutive more days than you and have 3x your driver level, first played for me in 2014. FH2 which somehow you have two copy’s of? I’m assuming Both Xbox 360 and Xbox One variations? First played by me in 2014 and 2017 for you. Me having only played 8d 6h and 18 min I amassed 13,569,906 xp, compared to your 3.5 million xp in 3 days 4h and 3min. FM6 is a similar story, Double your play time and some how I amassed over 305 million credits and five times your driver level. FH3 again, Me having played only 25d 11h and 36min and I have 103 million xp compared to your 13d 0d 52m with 22 million xp. FM7 is another example playing a full year before you did back in October of 2017, comparatively to you in October 2018. Me having played for 65d 8h 38m and my driver level is 1,935 , comparatively to your 19d 7h 32m driver level at only 294. So in summary, seeing as I am not you, I have no idea how you use your time in games. But it seems that I have a higher productivity rate than you do. Im sure other people are far better than me, but does that make people like us cheaters? No. Try and spend your time more wisely in games rather than throwing accusations.


Here are their (publicly available) stats compared to mine… I’ve played 50% longer but they have ~350% more influence than me.

It doesn’t mean they are cheating though as there are so many different ways to earn influence legitimately, faster than other players, depending on how you play the game.

236k influence per hour, and whatever legitimate activity they do, it would need to return considerably more than that to make up for time spent doing other things, assuming that anyone who plays that much is going to want to complete the playlist activities, do some building/tuning, will need to manage their garage and so on.

And my hats off to you, too, Luxautica VIP for achieving the highest level of prestige.

btw, your comments take me back a good number of years to the Fall (2012?) when Horizon 1 was introduced, and how the devs were surprised at how quickly many of us die hard players completed the original game. The comment being ‘they had no idea anyone would play the game that much every day’ or something very close to that.

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Thank you, at least someone noticed lol. I do try to complete a lot of the games I play to 100%, though putting in a lot of hours but it really depends on the game. All of the Forza games I have really enjoyed. Honestly there is something about doing long races or just racing in general takes my mind off of a lot of stuff going on in life. Also, yeah I vaguely remember them saying something about that way back when. Kind of a surprising statement considering they have trackers for time and completion etc. Here is something interesting though, the first achievement for Horizon 4 “Welcome to Britain”, only 79% of people have unlocked it. Meaning there is 20% of people that either bought the game or got it from a friend or something and never got past the tutorial intro races. Less people got the second one for even getting to the actual festival, only 60% have “Pride before the fall”. So there is technically 40% of people that haven’t played past the prologue seasons. It just goes downhill from there.

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It depends on what you call 100%. To get a vinyl at the No1 spot is extremely hard when the scoring is taken from number of uses. The number of uses over a year gives people an advantage over newbies. I have managed to get a car vinyl to the No2 spot as a late arrival. But to me to complete a game 100% would mean getting the No1 spot in a vinyl.