How to qualify for online adventure?

You are looking at the wrong boxes. You need to look below that in row 3 and 4 of that screen shot you will see “Ranked Racing Team Adventure Wins” which shows 1 and “Ranked Racing Team Adventure Losses” which shows 5.

The 37 you are talking about is “Online Adventure TOTAL Wins” at 17 and “Online Adventure TOTAL losses” which is at 20. These totals count all unranked “Quickplay Adventures” AND “Ranked Adventures” Across all three game modes (Team Racing, Playground Games, AND Free-for-all).

Judging by your previous posts it looks like you played a majority of your games by clicking on the “Quickplay Adventure” which was levelling your Team Racing Adventure influence level (not your ranked qualification games) and accounts for a lot of those numbers in that 37 total wins/losses. And it is impossible that those 37 “were all done in the ranked game” because you aren’t allowed to even play ranked games until you have done enough unranked quickplay adventures to unlock the ranked game mode.

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