Duplicate vehicles

SoooO I have about 630 vehicles with over 422 hours played , And now struggling getting any new vehicles before updates you would never get a duplicate vehicle, now I can’t seem to break the 630 mark because the system keeps giving me duplicates is it set up that way or the reward system broke after updates I’ll never get that 700 vehicle award at this rate…Anyone know anything on this

If the Platinum Collector achievement counts cars and not unique models, you could buy 70 low-priced cars to unlock it.

There are 100+ models [clearly] being reserved for Specialty Dealer and Forzathon so you won’t be able to own them until the game releases them to everyone, and other than weekly Specialty Dealer rotation there hasn’t been any published schedule for all of those models.

Thanks for reply ,I do have all low end vehicles there are about a hand full of high end vehicles I still need to purchase but would like my tier discount instead of paying full price just will not show up after a race only duplicates show up and all rest are locked either FE or just a special vehicle …