CRX Trade?

Hi guys, I’m a fanatic Horizon player and I can’t wait for Horizon 2 to come out. I have almost every car in Horizon except for some DLC cars. The only car I have left to get is the Honda CRX unicorn, the only problem is that I can’t seem to win in the Contests. if any of you have a CRX to trade with me, please reply in this thread. I would like to hear from you what car you would like to have in return. The most i can do is a Ferrari 250 California. Thanks for the help!

The only people who can gift Unicorns are the T10 team, all current opportunities are listed in the sticked thread at the top of the forum. Ill also point out that occasionally posting in certain threads can get you one without the need to paint, photograph etc. Those threads are also listed in the stickied thread.

Okay thank you for your help :slight_smile: