600 million credits to many

Who wants what. I have every car. I’m trying to give away credits to newbies and followers. I don’t want anyone’s real money from social networking. I am a level 20 tuner…I have problems with stuck corrupted blueprints or I would be legendary. I am not good at drifting but have gotten better in seasonal championships or trials. If anyone needs help or credits I want to help with no strings attached, I want everyone to have fun. I’ll try to help others get new cars or auction trades. I’m not happy with people who get money for showing how great they are on social media to make money. I just wanna have fun!!! Being a mensch is good for all my friends and followers.

The Benz SSK is a way to overpay. Most buyouts are 10-20M so I just go and spend down a few hundred mil. Guess it used to be Ctype Jag.
Not a flipper car, it’s in Autoshow.
Another couple cars with silly prices are Mitsubishi Eclipse, 26k in AS but usually huge buyouts. Ford Ranger used to be similar.