100 euros for a broken game

I feel ripped off.
I have paid 100 euro to get the premium edition of this game and to play it earlier than the others and what do i/we get? A game that isn’t even playable.
This makes me laugh if i heard in the livestreams that playground games had a lot of internal testing…


I’m sorry to sound bad, I don’t mean to be evil to you but…you kinda deserve it :confused:

Don’t get me wrong, I’m mad at this game but we’re in 2021 and the game industry SUCKS (Cyberpunk anyone?).
Preordering a game is pure stupidity, paying for premium editions before trying something is just dumb nowadays, there’s no guarantee that anything will work or will be as “Promoted”.
Also EVERY SINGLE GAME has server issues on day1, are you telling me that you just bought an early access game expecting it to be complete?

Wake up please, preordering is only made for funding purposes, you just get a beta of the game and in a month or two (maybe a year) we’ll experience the true forza horizon 5, until then it’s all a patching/reworking/rebalancing dance.

I agree with you, the game is bad but I just tried it via Gamepass, waiting to decide before going premium (because man I wanted it).
After 2 days of playing I’m ultra rich and have every car, basically I don’t need Premium at all…also yea, playerbase is not good (as numbers, I mean it’s impossible to play arcades) server is bad, PR challenges leaderboards are stained with cheaters and so on.

So yea, you’ve been ripped off for sure but don’t tell me it’s a “new” thing happening.

In my case I reserved the game in physical format (the 100€ version too, because I’ve always had the Forza VIP with early access) , and I had to buy the Game Pass because it doesn’t reach me until the 22nd.

At least in Spain, I have gone to several malls and big game stores and has absolutely NOTHING of FH5. I don’t know if there has been any problem with the physical discs, but come on, very angry in general with the situation of the physical format.

Well same story there, “you’ve always had the Forza VIP with early access”.
Good to know but then you’re asking for being ripped off :smiley:

I mean, if the early access was like 1 month I could get it, but going to such high numbers for 4 days and content that is not yet released if just dumb…I mean you can spend the money as you like, just don’t complain about it when it’s an OLD story where every company does the same :smiley:
You’re free to get “duped” but then it makes no sense to come out and cry about it :confused: it’s like stopping at a street stall that sells magical cure for cancer and then complaining because it didn’t work :'D