0x803f81f5 error in windows store.

It keeps showing when i try to install game. I got 1/10 devices in Microsoft account site. On XONE wroks perfectly. I tried almost evrything on internet and nothing wroks, i can’t do chargeback…

me too. the download failed no matter what I try to do. other apps are downloaded correctly but not forza :frowning:

If you are still getting this error code when trying to download the game. Can you please email forzafb@microsoft.com so I can look into this?

Try deleting the 100mb placeholder files. It worked for me.

I had it break on me twice before that fixed it.

How do I do that?

scratix, that error code means this.

also i found this.

here some more info

Same error here , i am using only 1 account on the pc , and only 1 device with this game .

I have the same. Has anyone else already solved it?

same error here :frowning:
one device and one account, any news ?

Go to " https://account.microsoft.com/devices/content " - sign in to your microsoft account ,check how many devices there are. here you can manage your device limits and remove the ones you don’t know or don’t want.